So.... I guess we ain't getting a January Progress report.... Oh well. Enough about that.
Lighting. Much of this thread has to do with Night time and lighting. I been sort of stuck on something else though. Matte and satin colors for the cars. Would that be hard to do? The background elements all have matte colors. I don't know squat about what goes into coding colors or what exact color swatch is used. I do know that Pantone matching system has two basic variants - PMS C (coated - glossy) and PMS U (uncoated and pretty much matte) I also know that some paint makers have CMYK and RGB formulas to color match their paint colors. But that's really for people to have the ability to dial that particular color into their computer and printer. I know most folks are into glossy paints and high reflections. To me though, too much of that kills the realism. Someone posted a screen shot from another game, the gloss and reflections were waaaaay over the top. Almost needed a welding hood to look at the picture. Yeah. I'm not desperately wanting to have matte colors as I like shiny cars too. I do see a lot of potential in having access to matte colors though. And I know this subject has come up before, only it was just skimmed, no real depth went into the subject.